Monday, October 13, 2008

Blue Spot

No, not the one on my wall. The one IN MY TELEVISION. My huge, 52-inch, flat-screen plasma television on which I watch THE FOOTBALL. The one I paid more for than I have ever paid for anything, ever, ever? Has a big blue spreading spot where underneauth - I think? - a bulb has gone out. Or bulbs or what. I don't know. Whatever it is, I know it's going to be expensive.


Danielle Moss said...

Oh that is horrible. Do you have a warranty?

If it makes you feel any better, the "geniuses" at apple left some dust behind my screen when they replaced it.

Right in the middle.

And it's annoying.

How big is this blue spot?

Jeff H said...

Meg, do me a favor and don't sit directly in front of the Blue Spot, mmkay? I doubt it'll blow up (except maybe your wallet), but one can't be too careful with Instruments of The Technology.

kenady said...

Hubby says the blue spot is not a good thing, especially in the middle of your 52 inch plasma tv. I'm so sorry:( That just sucks...

thanks for stopping by my blog:)