Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ok, so I know that I've essentially neglected this blog - at least for the time being - as I tackle a big, long-term project at work and generally try to keep my life in balance with all the traveling I've been doing.


...OR SO.

This means that - for now - I'm just using this as a "personal" blog and not really paying any attention to the fact that I started it with the intention of writing about personal style, shopping, and other fun things that I've incidentally neglected as well during this Time of Plenty (of Billable Hours) and vowed not to write about my personal life (risking, I don't know, exposing myself to scrutinty from strangers or something).

Whatevs. My personal blog update consists of this: I can confirm a long-standing suspicion that I'm actually addicted to caffeine. For serious. For the realz. An unfortunate set of circumstances this morning (no creamer at the house; no point in making coffee at home; no time to grab a coffee at O'Hare before my flight left; no time to grab a coffee once I landed omgwtf) left my delicate and desperately addicted system without its normal and reliable caffeine drip throughout the morning hours. Meaning?

This [imaginary] device was clamped to my temples ALL DAMN DAY LONG. I think this is what they call a "withdrawal symptom," yesno?

1 comment:

Kiki said...

Whatever you write, I will read, while caffiene addiction will cripple you with a headache that threatens to split open your skull, you write about it in a way that made me laugh...and I need that tonight. I have severe irritation over my non working wireless system that threatens to overtake my sensible nature and cause me throw the computer across the room!!!

Take care of yourself and get that coffee drip going first thing in the morning!!!