Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Still discontented after five weeks

Remember February 13? When I wrote about being sick? Well, readers (reader), I AM STILL SICK! At least once a week for the past five weeks, I have had recurring cold symptoms.

I don't get it. I take good care of myself. I take a daily multi-vitamin, get 7-8 hours of sleep a night (more on weekends), work out, eat my vegetables, and I refuse to believe that my body has just decided at 26 years of age that wholesale betrayal is a better option than, say, feeling human for more than 48 hours at a time.

So this morning I realize I have probably let it go too far after another fitful night of completely unsatisfying sleep as I am pressing my cell phone to my face because it feels so nice and cool. So I do the only thing left to do: administer a self-diagnosis on WebMD. It's like I'm my own doctor! Or dentist! Like Tom Hanks in Castaway when he had to take out his own tooth with an ice skate, except, you know, more dramatic than that because this is me we're talking about. And speaking of toothaches, I've had recurring toothaches for five weeks too! That's a weird coincidence. And omg! It says that "dental pain" is a telltale symptom of a sinus infection! A sinus infection that can last up to 8 weeks, with persistent cold-like symptoms and I just diagnosed myself I should have gone to medical school I am self-sufficient after all!

My doctor confirmed my suspicions and wrote a prescription and I'm feeling better already. Easy as pie! Now I can concentrate on more important things, like living life like a normal person. And, you know, the red-eyed, runny-nosed, mouth-breathing look wasn't great for me anyway.

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